This page contains other writings of mine released in various online publications
Connecting Pop Music and Fine Art (link)
The worlds of visual art and pop music seem to run parallel to each other, and rarely overlap on a scale accessible to the average consumer. BTS is no stranger to the concept of intersectionality, be it through art and music or in sociopolitical outreach. One of the group’s recent global endeavors, titled CONNECT, BTS, takes on the immense task of using high art to stimulate mass culture. The border between high and low art disappears in the context of CONNECT, as an effort to reshape the cultural climate by linking narratives between contemporary fine art and pop music. In dissecting this seamless cross-pollination of media, there is much to be learned about the social and artistic implications of the terms “high” and “low.”
CONNECTxBTS for Revolutionaries (byline)
Various collaborative works with Revolutionaries, an online publication centered around BTS. This series focuses on specifc entries in the CONNECT, BTS body of work.